Thursday, October 30, 2008

wisdom or old age?

talking about movies and books and childhood crushes and romance ... i wonder why i dont read romances any more. i mean the m&b kinds, the nora roberts novels. i wouldn't mind a georgette heyer still - i like georgette heyers for the fun and great sense of humour.

how come romances do not appeal to me any more? the question is noteworthy because like i wrote in a previous post i started reading romances since my seventh standard. and i have devoured tons of them over the years - tons and tons of them. but now i dont read them anymore.

i am more interested in quantum physics and biology... you get the picture, dont you. surprising when i never understood what heisenberg's uncertainty principle truly meant all those years back. i did not understand the significance of einstein's relativity theory or why energy and matter are the same after all. or the double slit experiment that proved that an electon acted as both a particle and a wave. though nobody knows exactly why, there are a number of theories now.

so i wonder at this sudden interest of mine in the big bang theory, in black holes - yes, i am mesmerized by black holes, i am fascinated at the stars. i am in love with the sun, more so because it is is winter, and when it shows up in the sky like it did today after 3 days of clouds and rain and the first snow showers, i am ecstactic and joyful ... and thankful.

i am in wonder when i look at the plants and trees - these are my friends when i look out of my office window. they keep me company the whole day - with their changing colors and bright hues. the leaves have all fallen now but the trees still look beautiful. and i think there is a purpose in the leaves falling - it lets more of the winter sunshine reach my home.

i am in awe of the cells in my body that function day in day out without tiring or getting bored doing the same thing. what keeps them going? what motivates them and inspires them? do they ever go to sleep? do they hibernate? when do they rest?

away from the pressures of school and work, my curiosity seems to be growing every day. i want to know why and how everything works...

is that a sign of old age or is that signs of wisdom? :):)


Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

its called old age. or middle, if you want. :-)
i pretty much read the same stuff i did in college in grad school (in the first semester) and was literally kicking myself because what seemed like some kind of fantasy in college made SO much physical sense in grad school. but then no one was forcing me to learn in college or in grad school so i blame myself for bad attitude in college and better attitude in grad school and of course the absolute crazy HIGH i get with the same material now on the other side of the fence. :-)

PG said...

attitude, eh? i try not to think of it as attitude! i was giving everyone else a chance - no fun in understanding everything and topping the class all the time! hee hee