Sunday, November 2, 2008

the block

i loved math when i was in school. seemed to understand most of it. except for when it came to stocks and shares and probability. two areas that seem to have eluded so far.

stocks and shares now has extended to finance. it took me years to understand how the stock market worked or why guys stayed glued to the stock ticker thru whole day thru. so after resolving i was going to get to the bottom of the stock markets, i slowly and steadily make progress reading up stuff, researching ... i thought i had finally figured it all out.

i go invest in some stock and in some mutual funds. the times are good and i was making money. i encouraged my husband to invest too. it is not all that bad, if i can do it, you can do it too. so he goes and researches and gathers fundas and he invests. and since my grand advice was given and taken, the whole world has been shaking up. the economy is in turmoil and the markets are volatile. yes, you guessed, the mutual funds are no longer doing well.

my block returns - i thought i broke through it. but i am as baffled as i was when i was in school. the markets and their volatility and the probability of their recovery - they will recover but when and how soon or late?

i dont think i will understand finance and stock markets, one is based on rational, analytical, logical and mathematical principles - or so i think and the markets are based on pure emotion - well, mostly fear.

what works best when it comes to the markets - intuition/gut instinct or rationality based on past experiences? iw ish someone would tell me...


Airspy said...

tell me anything tath is doing well these days. you cannot take the blame on yourselves. its a global cycle. let them lay in peace for a bit. you will find its grown in five years time.

the above is essentially soothsaying and not to be construed as financial advice :-)

PG said...

yeah, airspy, i know. dont worry, the financial experts have nothing better to say either except that some of them are saying that they knew this will happen all along!

Choxbox said...

aaah you have woken up lady. good to note that.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

do you like co-ordinate geometry?

PG said...

kenny - coordinate geometry? didnot particularly dislike it. not as much as probablity and permutations and combinations - my answers never matched.