Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Say cheese...

We were travelling this past week. NYC. Washington. In-laws are visiting us. One trip to Niagara Falls and we can tick our list of to do's and must see's.
Vacationing is fun, when you dont have to do the dishes, worry about what to cook next, what to wear to work, what to do at work...
Email anxiety, no - when hotels charge you for internet access ... but if access was free, we would be on the net every minute acting like important CEOs whose companies are on the verge of a crisis. Checking email an umpteen number of times so as not miss anything important... and if there were no mails it was good reason to whine because it obviously meant that nobody cared for you enough ...
Photo anxiety, yes. My husband loves taking pictures. Not just taking them - for him it is an art. The lighting, the background, the angle, the distance, the sun, the grins ... smiles are not good enough. You have to stand there till he gets everything right and you should not forget to smile, I forget, grin ... All that is well enough except that he never is part of the pictures because he is so passionate about taking them. The rest of us want our revenge so we force him to be part of some. We take pictures of him but he is not very pleased ... because they dont come as well as when he takes them! I dont seem to have the patience or the judgment - for me taking a picture is Focus, Say Cheese, Click...that's it...and as long as I have not cut people's heads off, I am pleased with my work...


Airspy said...

I am NEVER there in any pictures, my husband absent from 99% of the pictures. When V had to do an assignment on 'My Family', I had to stick one pix with the two monsters and stick two of thier parents passport pictures on either side of it. I havent heard any feedback from her teacher, who is probably wondering if we are a fragmented (mentally too)family!

PG said...

airspy, hee hee - !

that's good - a plus point in having kids. the focus is on them. and kids dont mind pictures i hope!

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

aah a photo-nazi. good luck!!
for an engineer i can be pretty dumb in dealing with cameras and so on. but the good thing with having a photo-nazi in the family is that you have a good store of pic which would never happen if these things were left to us!! we shall look forward to seeing those pictures then???

PG said...

they are so many of them. i will send them if u promise not to get bored. i am just lazy to sort them and upload just a few...

Airspy said...

i am in the process of developing a semantic search engine with facial recognition capabilities and interactive voice response features that will pick out just the right snaps you want to upload from the collection. Beta version to be released very soon.

Lazy pig.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

yeah airspy, say it, sister!

(excuses such as visiting dinner guests and musical evenings etc. will hardly be tolerated)

PG said...

airspy - release the version and i will send the pics.
kpbm and airspy: how about posting some pics of yours? i have not seen any of the sarayu get together so far. i am sure pics of your kids are more interesting than of us adults! have not seen any of yours in along while now!

Choxbox said...

ha ha ha pg. guess who you'll have to ask for those pix - me, thats who! so start off then, grovel and plead, i might consider releasing them then.
may i add that they are absolutely awesome pix!

PG said...

come on choxbox, you know i love you and n3 and n4 and your methi rice...release the pics...what are you still doing holding on to them?
will post the niagara pics - you can at least look at the water...

Choxbox said...

okay since you praised my methi rice i am pleased. only, the jumble of gadgetry reqd to download pix from the caemra will all arrive today (FINALLY. i was beginning to feel the ship carrying our stuff was doing circles around the planet indefinitely).
so your wish shall be granted at some point.
want to see your pix. with/without niagara.