Sunday, May 17, 2009

elections, north and south

The election results are here. Haven't followed the elections at all - Wonder why! so this is no expert political analysis.
But I am happy with the results - more of a gut reaction with a little bit of logic -
Am very happy MMS is going to be the PM. Thank God! at least we'll have a sensible and stable guy who cares for the country! Sincerely didn't want MW or LKA -
Could swallow BJP as long as ABV was there.

And am very glad that chances of a hung parliament are newar zero and that MMS can use his time to do more than

Of course, never had much sympathy for the dynastic rule. But had to give it to SG and RG. That they are not acting like power hungry people and I am glad RG is not going to be made PM and will at the most end up as a Cabinet minister and learn his way through. I am totally impressed by that and cant help giving SG credit for that.

Coming to North and South, not talking about the country. Saw a BBC 4 hour miniseries, a period romance, based on Elizabeth Gaskell's novel. Excellent cast, excellent acting, haunting music - and of course, I have to say Richard Armitage, who played the male lead, is worth drooling over! Anyone who hasn't outgrown romances must watch this!


Choxbox said...

:) good to have you back. btw i met your branch bacchi in london last week.

PG said...

branch bacchi? who's that?

Choxbox said...

think which one? sh elives in ldn.

PG said...

branchie - i would say is SC. but 'bacchi'? am i missing something?

Choxbox said...

SC only baba.