Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crybaby of the year

We are having one of the coldest winters out here with temperatures going below zero degrees F. Christmas and New Year was bitterly bitterly cold with plenty of ice and snow.

We stayed at home for the most part. And caught up with a whole lot of movies.

Slumdog - starts off with harsh reality and ends up in true Bollywood style. Disturbing, moving, and fun. The kid was very cute. A smart story that weaves life and a TV quiz show. We saw it on Christmas day and were quite surprised when the hall became full. Did not realize it was so popular. It's won many GG awards and Anil Kapoor's face was worth looking at. And yes, I cried through some parts. Just could not help it. Harsh reality is all I would say.

Then, there was Becoming Jane. It came last year, never could make it. So we watched the DVD. Jane Austen has been a favorite author of mine. Famous for her P&P. Had known she had a failed affair and she died in her late 30s. Dont know how close to reality the entire story is but it was cute and sweet and sad ... no wonder JA decided to make all her novels have a happy ending. Maybe it is a formula - if you have a great life you write depressingly tragic stories and if you encounter some sadness you write happy for thought! Yes, I cried again. The day was gloomy and depressing and cold and my favorite author's heart is broken - what better reason does one need (and I had to go make dinner - aaaaggghhhh)? My husband looked at me disbelievingly...slumdog made some sense, but becoming jane?

There there was Robin Williams Man of the Year - ok,ok. Starts off well but loses the grip somewhere.

August Rush - this was cute. About music and long seperated lovers and a little boy ... and how music reunites them all in a concert. The little kids in the movie were adorable...
As the movie neared its end, my husband kept a careful watch fearing a downpour...I would have perhaps but the ending was abrupt. The guy holds the girl's hand - they are in the audience - first row - the little kid is on the stage and he turns and looks at them and he knows they are his parents, and they all smile at one another. Hello? Is that how a movie is supposed to end? How about some slow motion Bollywood style running towards one another, hugging and crying, and a dance number and a family song after that? These guys need to take a leaf out of slumdog...

Dont know about who is going to win the oscars but you know who won the crybaby of the year ....


Choxbox said...

hmm, intersting theory - wonder what kind of stuff i'd write. depressing ending ones i think.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

oh dear, the winters are so sad and depressing. but hey! if winter is here spring cannot be far behind! and rollerblading!

PG said...

kenny - yeah, you would know having lived in the northeast all those years. cant wait for spring to come.

choxbox - how about a healthy mixture of both? with happy endings? i love happy endings ... cant seem to help it!

Choxbox said...

same 'ere. i don't like sad endings. but per your theory i'd have to write one which is sadder than happier see?!