was watching the spell bee competition last night. cool it was! all those indian boys and girls! totally smart and totally confident on an international stage!
looking at them i was wondering what was i like when i was their age? 13! apart from reading P&P a hundred times and being a raving fan of the brooding darcy!
all i did at that age was read. that was my only interest and hobby and whatever you want to call it.
tried to learn carnatic music but it only resulted in a cacaphony and i wasn't inspired to continue. at school, we were taught hymns and carols and all those dainty english songs - those were fun. esp. when you sang in a group and didn't have to worry too much about sruti and swarasthanams and what not.
when i tried water colors, the colors would all get mixed up (maybe bcos of more water than the paint?) and you wouldn't know what from what.
never had the patience to sit and do learn the creative stuff ... maybe it was just me! i know so many of my classmates who were and are still so multi-talented! how do they do it?
That Ultra Running Book - A Review
5 years ago