Monday, June 23, 2008

On a roll...

Two weeks pass by since my last encounter with the skates. My husband would provoke me but I would come up with all kinds of reasons for not skating. We were going to return them - I had made up my mind.

Then one Saturday, we went to Lake George with friends. We took the skates along - no idea, what or how I wanted to do it. Did not get a chance to inaugurate while at the lake.

We returned home in the evening. It was nearly 7pm. My husband encouraged me try out the skates (surprisingly! till then he had done his best inspiring me with skating stories involving broken bones and what not...). So I wore my pads and helmet and got into my skating shoes. Felt like I was being led to the guillotine - I was really scared. But then haven't we mastered to put on a brave face? So I put on a brave face and held on to my hubby tightly - very. For over twenty minutes we went around slowly. I tripped quite a few times, but thanx to my hubby, I was still in one piece.

S slowly started loosening his hold on me. After about 40 minutes, I decided to try on my own - and to my surprise I was able to drag myself by myself with S close behind. It gave me a lot of confidence.

Monday came - and I went out bravely myself. I was intending to practice in the parking lot next to the swimming pool in our apartment complex. There were men cleaning the pool before opening it for the summer. I wore my pads and the skates and sat in the trunk for a long time - for over fifteen minutes before I put my first step forward. I was a source of amusement to the pool cleaners. After that, there has been no looking back. I read up skating tips and instructions on the web. Saw some videos on you tube. The web was my new found instructor.

I have finished ten hours of skating so far - keep practising and practising in the park. People who see me regularly in the park cheer me up. That keeps me going. It is a funny sight - as I drag my left foot while I push forward on my dominant right foot. Remember how little boys used to learn cycling - on their dad's bikes when we were kids? pedalling with their right legs and dragging their left leg along? That is how I did it. Funny it looks.

In my last outing, I have been able to skate with both my legs - I need a lot more practice with balance and coordination but I am on a roll. It is exciting. It is empowering because I did it all on my own without an instructor just following my body's instructions and my intuition. But what keeps me going is the exercise I get - skating has been good exercise - and that's a big deal indeed because I put on weight so easily. Now I know I can have a dozen kids (just kidding - dont be shocked!) and get back into shape skating right away:)

What I learned from my skating expedition -
1. Be in the moment, if I am thinking of something else and not focussing, chances of falling are pretty high
2. Keep fear at bay, the many times I fell was because of fear, I let fear control me and lost my calm and common sense in the process and would go crashing down
3. Listen to the body, the body sets the right pace for you.
4. Patience, dont be impatient, remember Rome was not built in a day
5. Practice, even if it is for 15 minutes, practice, practice regularly.
6. Dont be afraid to fall, dont think you are looking stupid - remember, those who have learned the sport will remember what they went through and those who dont skate will admire you for your courage.

So get your skates and roll...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Grapes turn Sour...

For many years I have wished to roller skate. I was fascinated when I first saw men and women skate in a Boston park - it was the summer of 2000.

In summer, it is hard not to notice skaters happily gliding past you. Cold, long, snowy winters make you determined to make the most out of the summer months. So, this summer, I did not want to lose any time. After convincing my husband that I would be okay, that I would try hard not to break any bones, I got my skates kit.

The first time I tried my skates (other than in the sports store) was on the carpeted floor at home. Wow! I was able to stand and move around. The blades did not seem at all dangerous. With my new found confidence, I set off to a nearby park the next day. I sat in my car (in the parking lot that was in the middle of the park) and put on all the protective gear - helmet and all kinds of pads. I wore my skates too. I was in the backseat and realized that getting out of the car was going to be tough. Obviously, the tar surface is no carpet! I had to literally shove myself out of the car - and landed on the ground with a thud. Looking up I noticed a couple of women walking in my direction and trying hard not giggle. They went past pretending not to notice.

Thankfull, there was grass nearby. So, I gingerly crawled to the grass surface and stood up. Oops! the blades were real dangerous! Crossing the grass I stepped on to a pathway - I have no idea what happened next because I landed with a big thud. I hurt my right elbow real hard as I tried to support myself during the fall. It took me some ten to fifteen minutes to wear my pads and helmet. But it took me only a couple of minutes to tear them from my body. I took off the skates and walked to my car and dumped all the stuff in the trunk. I am done with skating, I told myself. I called my husband and told him my skating adventure is over. I was not going to get started on something that will land me in bed with broken bones. With the whole summer lying ahead and with the numerous stuff I was engaged in, it seemed not worth the while. Pictures of myself lying with a cast crossed my mind many a time.

I did not want to do anything with skating any more. I was determined to return the entire kit! I was disappointed for not realizing my dream - but look at the brighter side of it - I would get my money back! The grapes were indeed turning sour...

Short and Sweet

Hello kenny, airspy, choxbox! Thanx for the blogging inspiration. I have been planning to blog for quite sometime now but not this soon. I have been procrastinating...

Wanted to get started ... so short and sweet it will be ...